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Symmetric graph

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The Petersen graph is a (cubic) symmetric graph. Any pair of adjacent vertices can be mapped to another by an automorphism, since any five-vertex ring can be mapped to any other.

In the mathematical field of graph theory, a graph G is symmetric or arc-transitive if, given any two ordered pairs of adjacent vertices and of G, there is an automorphism

such that

and [1]

In other words, a graph is symmetric if its automorphism group acts transitively on ordered pairs of adjacent vertices (that is, upon edges considered as having a direction).[2] Such a graph is sometimes also called 1-arc-transitive[2] or flag-transitive.[3]

By definition (ignoring u1 and u2), a symmetric graph without isolated vertices must also be vertex-transitive.[1] Since the definition above maps one edge to another, a symmetric graph must also be edge-transitive. However, an edge-transitive graph need not be symmetric, since a—b might map to c—d, but not to d—c. Star graphs are a simple example of being edge-transitive without being vertex-transitive or symmetric. As a further example, semi-symmetric graphs are edge-transitive and regular, but not vertex-transitive.

Graph families defined by their automorphisms
distance-transitive distance-regular strongly regular
symmetric (arc-transitive) t-transitive, t ≥ 2 skew-symmetric
(if connected)
vertex- and edge-transitive
edge-transitive and regular edge-transitive
vertex-transitive regular (if bipartite)
Cayley graph zero-symmetric asymmetric

Every connected symmetric graph must thus be both vertex-transitive and edge-transitive, and the converse is true for graphs of odd degree.[3] However, for even degree, there exist connected graphs which are vertex-transitive and edge-transitive, but not symmetric.[4] Such graphs are called half-transitive.[5] The smallest connected half-transitive graph is Holt's graph, with degree 4 and 27 vertices.[1][6] Confusingly, some authors use the term "symmetric graph" to mean a graph which is vertex-transitive and edge-transitive, rather than an arc-transitive graph. Such a definition would include half-transitive graphs, which are excluded under the definition above.

A distance-transitive graph is one where instead of considering pairs of adjacent vertices (i.e. vertices a distance of 1 apart), the definition covers two pairs of vertices, each the same distance apart. Such graphs are automatically symmetric, by definition.[1]

A t-arc is defined to be a sequence of t + 1 vertices, such that any two consecutive vertices in the sequence are adjacent, and with any repeated vertices being more than 2 steps apart. A t-transitive graph is a graph such that the automorphism group acts transitively on t-arcs, but not on (t + 1)-arcs. Since 1-arcs are simply edges, every symmetric graph of degree 3 or more must be t-transitive for some t, and the value of t can be used to further classify symmetric graphs. The cube is 2-transitive, for example.[1]

Note that conventionally the term "symmetric graph" is not complementary to the term "asymmetric graph," as the latter refers to a graph that has no nontrivial symmetries at all.



Two basic families of symmetric graphs for any number of vertices are the cycle graphs (of degree 2) and the complete graphs. Further symmetric graphs are formed by the vertices and edges of the regular and quasiregular polyhedra: the cube, octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron, cuboctahedron, and icosidodecahedron. Extension of the cube to n dimensions gives the hypercube graphs (with 2n vertices and degree n). Similarly extension of the octahedron to n dimensions gives the graphs of the cross-polytopes, this family of graphs (with 2n vertices and degree 2n-2) are sometimes referred to as the cocktail party graphs - they are complete graphs with a set of edges making a perfect matching removed. Additional families of symmetric graphs with an even number of vertices 2n, are the evenly split complete bipartite graphs Kn,n and the crown graphs on 2n vertices. Many other symmetric graphs can be classified as circulant graphs (but not all).

The Rado graph forms an example of a symmetric graph with infinitely many vertices and infinite degree.

Cubic symmetric graphs


Combining the symmetry condition with the restriction that graphs be cubic (i.e. all vertices have degree 3) yields quite a strong condition, and such graphs are rare enough to be listed. They all have an even number of vertices. The Foster census and its extensions provide such lists.[7] The Foster census was begun in the 1930s by Ronald M. Foster while he was employed by Bell Labs,[8] and in 1988 (when Foster was 92[1]) the then current Foster census (listing all cubic symmetric graphs up to 512 vertices) was published in book form.[9] The first thirteen items in the list are cubic symmetric graphs with up to 30 vertices[10][11] (ten of these are also distance-transitive; the exceptions are as indicated):

There are only 12 cubic distance-transitive graphs, all given below.

Cubic toroidal graphs are hexagonal regular map of the form {6,3}b,c, with t=b2+bc+c2, having 2t vertices, 3t edges, and t hexagonal cycles.

Generalized Petersen graphs, G{m,n) have 2m vertices, with 7 solutions being symmetric: (4,1), (5,2), (8,3), (10,2), (10,3), (12,5), (24,5).

Vert. Edges Diam Girth Aut {6,3}b,c Diagram Graph Notes
F4A 4 6 1 3 24 Complete graph K4, Möbius ladder M4
Tetrahedron graph {3,3}, HOG74
distance-transitive, 2-arc-transitive
F6A 6 9 2 4 72
Utility graph, Complete bipartite graph K3,3
Möbius ladder M6, HOG84
distance-transitive, 3-arc-transitive
F8A 8 12 3 4 48
G(4,1), Cube graph {4,3}, HOG1022 distance-transitive, 2-arc-transitive
F10A 10 15 2 5 120 G(5,2) Petersen graph, HOG462 distance-transitive, 3-arc-transitive
F14A 14 21 3 6 336
Heawood graph, HOG1154 distance-transitive, 4-arc-transitive
F16A 16 24 4 6 96 G(8,3), Möbius–Kantor graph, HOG1229 2-arc-transitive
F18A 18 27 4 6 216
Pappus graph, HOG370 distance-transitive, 3-arc-transitive
F20A 20 30 5 5 120 G(10,2), Dodecahedron graph {5,3}, HOG1043 distance-transitive, 2-arc-transitive
F20B 20 30 5 6 240 G(10,3), Desargues graph distance-transitive, 3-arc-transitive
F24A 24 36 4 6 144
G(12,5), Nauru graph, HOG1234 2-arc-transitive
F26A 26 39 5 6 78 {6,3}3,1 F26A graph[11] 1-arc-transitive
F28A 28 42 4 7 336 Coxeter graph distance-transitive, 3-arc-transitive
F30A 30 45 4 8 1440 Tutte–Coxeter graph distance-transitive, 5-arc-transitive
F32A 32 48 5 6 192 {6,3}4,0 Dyck graph
F38A 38 57 114 {6,3}3,2
F40A 40 60 480
F42A 42 63 126 {6,3}4,1
F48A 48 72 288 G(24,5)
F50A 50 75 300 {6,3}5,0
F54A 54 81 324 {6,3}3,3
F56A 56 84 {6,3}4,2
F56B 56 84
F56C 56 84
F60A 60 90
F62A 62 93 {6,3}5,1
F64A 64 96
F72A 72 108 {6,3}6,0
F74A 74 111 {6,3}4,3
F78A 78 117 {6,3}5,2
F80A 80 120
F84A 84 126
F86A 86 129 {6,3}6,1
F90A 90 135 8 10 4320 Foster graph distance-transitive
F96A 96 144 {6,3}4,4
F96B 96 144
F98A 98 147 {6,3}5,3
F98B 98 147
F102A 102 153 7 9 Biggs-Smith graph distance-transitive
F104A 104 156 {6,3}6,2



The vertex-connectivity of a symmetric graph is always equal to the degree d.[3] In contrast, for vertex-transitive graphs in general, the vertex-connectivity is bounded below by 2(d + 1)/3.[2]

A t-transitive graph of degree 3 or more has girth at least 2(t – 1). However, there are no finite t-transitive graphs of degree 3 or more for t ≥ 8. In the case of the degree being exactly 3 (cubic symmetric graphs), there are none for t ≥ 6.

See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f Biggs, Norman (1993). Algebraic Graph Theory (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 118–140. ISBN 0-521-45897-8.
  2. ^ a b c Godsil, Chris; Royle, Gordon (2001). Algebraic Graph Theory. New York: Springer. p. 59. ISBN 0-387-95220-9.
  3. ^ a b c Babai, L (1996). "Automorphism groups, isomorphism, reconstruction" (PDF). In Graham, R; Grötschel, M; Lovász, L (eds.). Handbook of Combinatorics. Elsevier.
  4. ^ Bouwer, Z. (1970). "Vertex and Edge Transitive, But Not 1-Transitive Graphs". Canad. Math. Bull. 13: 231–237. doi:10.4153/CMB-1970-047-8.
  5. ^ Gross, J.L. & Yellen, J. (2004). Handbook of Graph Theory. CRC Press. p. 491. ISBN 1-58488-090-2.
  6. ^ Holt, Derek F. (1981). "A graph which is edge transitive but not arc transitive". Journal of Graph Theory. 5 (2): 201–204. doi:10.1002/jgt.3190050210..
  7. ^ Marston Conder, Trivalent symmetric graphs on up to 768 vertices, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput, vol. 20, pp. 41–63
  8. ^ Foster, R. M. "Geometrical Circuits of Electrical Networks." Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers 51, 309–317, 1932.
  9. ^ "The Foster Census: R.M. Foster's Census of Connected Symmetric Trivalent Graphs", by Ronald M. Foster, I.Z. Bouwer, W.W. Chernoff, B. Monson and Z. Star (1988) ISBN 0-919611-19-2
  10. ^ Biggs, p. 148
  11. ^ a b Weisstein, Eric W., "Cubic Symmetric Graph", from Wolfram MathWorld.